For the last several years I have written poems for Christmas and given them to family and friends. They are not fancy or particularly fine, but some people seem to like them, so I thought I might share a few here. If you like them and want to share them, great... if not, that's okay too... :-) As I find a few more I'll share them as well....
(If you do like or share them, feel free to leave a comment... yeah... guess I'm kind of needy that way... lol)
It’s the time of the year when we all gather ‘round
To sing well-known carols with a sweet, joyful sound
We give to our families, our neighbors, our friends
It’s the one time of year that we hope never ends
We hear stories of reindeer and elves and a sleigh
With a jolly old man who gives gifts away
But the story that makes the whole season so dear
Is the story of a child who would help conquer fear
It’s the story of angels and shepherds on a night
When a star in the heavens shone oh so bright
With a manger and stable and swaddling bands
The child was held in Mary’s gentle hands
With Joseph at watch through the night dark and deep
The child slumbered calmly in Heavenly peace
And that’s what is special about that long ago night
When Heaven came to Earth - what a glorious sight
At this Holiday time comes my wish for us all
For a world full of love, peace, and kindness for all
- Melinda Durrant
December 2009
We know that gifts aren't only found
Wrapped beneath a tree
There are things we give each other
The world just cannot see
Like the gift of time that's given
Through a visit to a friend
Or the sense that someone cares
As a listening ear we lend
There are gifts of home and family
That money cannot buy
And we know that if we need a hand
On our friends we can rely
There are gifts of hope and comfort
Given freely from the heart
It's these gifts we give each other
That set us all apart
So thank you all for sharing
Your homes and families, too
A hope for peace and happiness
Is our special wish for you
Melinda L. Durrant
December 2008
It’s Christmas
When Mary, fair, brings forth her newborn child
When Joseph watches humble, meek and mild
It’s Christmas
When a new star shines its light upon the earth
When shepherds keeping watch rejoice His birth
It’s Christmas
When with joy the heavenly choirs of angels sing
When Wise Men gifts of priceless value bring
It’s Christmas
When a stranger stops to lend a helping hand
When goodwill to all is spread throughout the land
It’s Christmas
When the sound of children’s laughter fills the air
When the world is filled with joy and not despair
It’s Christmas
When we gather with our friends and family near
When we share our love and hope for the new year
It’s Christmas
For Christmas comes this once a year to show
The love our Father sends so all will know
It’s Christmas
It’s Christmas
When Mary, fair, brings forth her newborn child
When Joseph watches humble, meek and mild
It’s Christmas
When a new star shines its light upon the earth
When shepherds keeping watch rejoice His birth
It’s Christmas
When with joy the heavenly choirs of angels sing
When Wise Men gifts of priceless value bring
It’s Christmas
When a stranger stops to lend a helping hand
When goodwill to all is spread throughout the land
It’s Christmas
When the sound of children’s laughter fills the air
When the world is filled with joy and not despair
It’s Christmas
When we gather with our friends and family near
When we share our love and hope for the new year
It’s Christmas
For Christmas comes this once a year to show
The love our Father sends so all will know
It’s Christmas
By: Melinda L. Durrant
December 2008
We celebrate the Savior's birth
Born with men to live on Earth
Our Heavenly Father's gift of love
Sent to Earth from Heaven above
The greatest gift that we can do
Is serve our neighbors - me and you
The Light of Christmas shines so bright
Through gifts of service day and night
That special feeling in the air
That shows each person that we care
May Christmas fill your heart with peace
May love and goodwill never cease
Melinda L. Durrant
December 2006
Santa Claus is on his way
With all his reindeer and his sleigh
The elves have worked so hard all year
To bring each child some Christmas cheer
The list was checked – first once…then twice
To see who’s naughty and who’s nice
He’s loaded up his magic sack
With dolls and trucks and trains on tracks
A whistle to his four-legged crew
Begins his yearly trip anew
To spread the smiles and love and joy
With every little girl and boy
Melinda L. Durrant
December 2006
Santa Claus is on his way
With all his reindeer and his sleigh
The elves have worked so hard all year
To bring each child some Christmas cheer
The list was checked – first once…then twice
To see who’s naughty and who’s nice
He’s loaded up his magic sack
With dolls and trucks and trains on tracks
A whistle to his four-legged crew
Begins his yearly trip anew
To spread the smiles and love and joy
With every little girl and boy
Melinda L. Durrant
December 2006
Christmas time has come again
With hopes for peace among all men
Little ones hurry with holiday glee
As they gather to sit on Santa Claus' knee
The sweet sound of carols ring through the street
As loved ones and neighbors and friends gladly meet
Exchanging best wishes and holiday cheer
Remembering fondly the fast fading year
Reflecting again on the ultimate reason
We join together to honor the season
For one baby born long ago, far away
Changed the whole world on that First Christmas Day
Mary and Joseph held the child so dear
While Angels and Shepherds and Wise Men were near
As the Father sent down his Gift from above
Bringing Hope to the world through his Infinite Love
Melinda Durrant
December 2005
T h i s t i m e o f y e a r
S e e m s t o b r i n g
A m a g i c t o u c h
T o e v e r y t h i n g
T h e f r o s t y a i r
T h e f r o z e n t o e s
T h e f i r e ' s w a r m t h
T h e c a n d l e s ' g l o w
W i t h q u i e t a c t s
O f k i n d n e s s s h o w n
O u r h e a r t s a r e c h e e r e d
O u r h o p e s h a v e g r o w n
G o o d f r i e n d s a n d f a m i l y
G a t h e r i n g ' r o u n d
V o i c e s r a i s e
I n j o y f u l s o u n d
W e c e l e b r a t e
T h e I n f a n t ' s b i r t h
T h e S o n o f G o d
C o m e t o E a r t h
- M e l i n d a L . D u r r a n t
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