A New Day...

A New Day...

I thought I'd try putting some of my poems here so that others had access to them. Forgive their imperfections, their creator is only human. I hope that you might find some small use for these poems, simple though they are.

If you like a poem or choose to use one for anything - please leave a comment - I'd like to hear from you.

(If I have modified a poem to better suit a person or situation, I will try to upload both the original and modified versions.)

(As I get time I'll try to add more - don't expect all of them at once...)

All poems and selections are Copyrighted by Melinda Durrant

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Endowed From On High

Endowed From On High

A blessing has come
To you on this day
Endowed from above
You will search, ponder, pray

As you covenant and promise
His will to obey
His Spirit will guide you
Each night and each day

- Melinda L. Durrant

The Call (modified)

The Call

A call has come
To serve the Lord
To spread the Gospel
To all the world

Cherish this moment
Holding tight to the rod
His Spirit will guide you
Oh, Child of God

Your calling is noble
Your nature Divine
You heed Holy promptings
You learn line upon line

You join in the ranks
Of the noblest of youth
You march forth in glory
As a soldier of truth

You seek to bring hope
To souls lost in despair
 You seek to bring Light
As the “good news” you share

Serving with honor
With a prayer in your heart
Will bring blessings unmeasured
As you do your part

As you follow the Savior
He will reap what you sow
Not all will be easy
But hard times help you grow

Go – spread seeds of the gospel
You’ve prepared yourself well
Keeping close to His Spirit
There’s no way you can fail

-Melinda L. Durrant

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thank You Mr. D.

Thank You, Mr. Durrant

For thirty years our Mr. D.
Has taught at Huntington Elementary
He’s taught the grades from low to high
And watched as crowds of students went by

He’s bandaged hurts both big and small
And always helped us through it all
He pushes us to do our best
He knows that life is one big test

He’s taught our moms and dads its true
An aunt, an uncle, some cousins too
And through the years he’s shown such heart
In all our lives he’s played a big part

So thank you, Mr. Durrant, for your many years
Thanks for the laughter, for helping banish our fears
For teaching us how to treat others with care
For showing the way with such kindness to spare

You’ve helped make us who we are today
Your lessons and examples in our memory will stay
Know that in our hearts you’ll always be
Our one and only Mr. D.

Written by  - Melinda Durrant – March 2010

Dawn (modified 2010)


At times when darkness falls
And shadows seem so near
Reach upward to the Heavens
To One who’s always near

He knows your sorrows, your trials, your fears
He knows the pain you bear
He wants you to reach out to Him
Look up, He’s always there

He’ll hold you when you tremble
Send His angels ‘round about
To buoy you up and help you
Of His love there is no doubt

He mourns with every loss you feel
Weeps each time you cry
As He holds and hears and loves
His Comforter is nearby

Each night the darkness fades away
Into a new tomorrow
Each dawn becomes a brand new day
Bringing hope instead of sorrow

Hold close to those who love you
Cling to them with all your might
These family ties that bind us
Help us upward to His light

For families are Eternal
Joined with sacred ties that bind
Generation to generation
Never ending for all time

 - Melinda L. Durrant

A Legacy of Love (modified 2010)

A legacy of love                                                She knew that you loved her
Is what she brought to earth                                    As you prayed
To measure it –impossible-                                    That loving arms
You cannot tell it’s worth                                    Would show the way
A smiling face                                                 That God would grant her
A tender touch                                                       Sweet release
Such simple things                                                And gentle ways
Can mean so much                                                To feel His peace
She showed her love                                                Her Father’s arms
In quiet ways                                                            Were open wide
And tender looks                                                 As He gathered her
To fill your days                                                Close to His side
Your memories                                                With grand reunions
Grew fonder still                                                Taking place
As each new day                                                With loved ones
With love she filled                                                In that special place
Her love for you                                                Her time on earth
You knew full well                                                A memory sweet
More clearly than                                                Will fill your hearts
The tongue could tell                                                With love complete
As resting time           
Did close in           
And the veil                                                            By: Melinda Durrant
Was growing thin                                                            May 2010



Angels can come in all sizes and shapes
You won’t often find them with sidekicks and capes

More often they come in unknown to the masses
And quietly work with the lads and the lasses

They spread their wings wide and gather them near
With kindness and courage they help without fear

No heavenly music accompanies their work
Yet, onward they press on - they never will shirk

Encouraging hope and the will to begin
They help our young students get ready to win

We thank you this day for your unselfish care
For stepping right in, for being right there

So please take this token of thanks on this day
And know that our gratitude won’t go away

-Melinda Durrant
  November 2009